Sunday, November 15, 2009

What is it do I want in life? Im sitting here in front of my laptop and I ask myself, who are you and who are you ment to be? and I just cant help but to draw a blank. This world has so much to give me but yet I still cant figure it out, or take what it has to offer. I cant help but to feel confused, and missed understood. Everyone around me is moving forward while im standing still.. I'm pressing pause but everyone and everything is still moving. If only I can go back, if only I can change every mistake I've made, If only I known then what I know now, If only..

Monday, October 12, 2009

Why did I act like you mattered, It was silly of me to believe..
That if I just opened myself, Things would come naturally
Jokes on me huh..
I didn't ask for this, so why is this happening to me?
How could I let your intentions get hold over me.. So naive
What I would give just to go back..

Monday, May 25, 2009

It just happend..

I wasnt expecting things to turn out this way but it did, it just happend.. and i just need time to figure things out, figure myself out.. i dont even know who i'am anymore. So please just give me time and space. When im ready ill find you.

Star Trek is CRAZY!

Live long and prosper -Spock

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"What A Day"

What a day to be alive
What a day to realize I'm not dead
What a day to save a dime
What a day to die trying

What a way to say goodbye
What a wonderful life now all a lie
What a way that you survive
What a day to say goodnight

Bring on the evening hours
I cry
Bring on the evidence
Of my life, Of my life

-Greg Laswell

Thursday, April 2, 2009

This one bright day in the middle of the night
two dead boys got up to fight
back to back they face one another
they drew their sowrds and they shot each other
a deaf policeman heard the noise
he came and he killed those two dead boy
if you dont believe my story is true
ask the blind man, he saw it too.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009